Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Not in the mood for a long post today (SJ and his job issues have me down) so I'm going to tell you how awesome popcorn at work is. I keep a bag of popping corn kernels in my drawer with a handful of brown paper bags. Pour a few of the former into the latter (for me it's enough to cover the seam of the bag about 3 kernels thick) and pop in the microwave for 90-120 seconds...depends on the microwave. Just like with the packet stuff, listen to the pops and use trial and error if you must. When you buy popcorn like this it is awfully cheap...

And voila.

No real outfit photos for today, again, I wasn't in the mood. I did however, attempt to fight the blue I was feeling and wearing with a happy flower.
Though it looks sad all floppy like that.

Tried to take a photo of it in my hair but I failed miserably...
I have too much hair for a nicely shaped bun.
Like the freckles on my ear? I don't. SJ calls them cute...


  1. Yum yum popcorn is so addictive.. kinda want some now...
    Hope things get better for you!

    1. They are, I have a lot to be grateful for. Just gets a little frustrating some days.

  2. popcorn is my favourite food ever, i could literally live off it if i had too and i had never thought to try and make it myself this way, great idea, going to try it :) cheer up

    1. I think you need to give this a go then :-) It's great to know it's in my drawer at all times, won't expire quickly and more fun than a trail mix :-)

  3. Sorry you're blue. I am a bit too. Must be something going around. I might try some popcorn and see if that helps!

    Is that flower an orchid? It's beautiful!
    Hope today is better than yesterday!

    1. Today was. Despite the sleeping thing, I am not fazed by things so much today. SJ and I had a much better evening last night :-)

      Hope you're pulling through too x

  4. Sorry to hear you're down! Things will get better :)

    How do you seal the paper bag? Or will folding it shut do to keep stray popcorn kernels flying everywhere? That's a great idea, I'm just afraid I'll be tempted to cover them in wayyy too much chicken salt!

    1. They will.

      And I don't 'seal' it, just fold it over a few times. I think I do it differently each time and it hasn't opened on me yet. Once it didn't pop well though so I wonder if the bag had a hole in it.

      Cheap enough to try and fail anyway :-)

  5. does that seriously work?! amazing!!! i lov elove lovelovleovleovloe loveeee popcorn haha.

    1. Yes it most certainly does. Resisting putting communal butter on it is the hard part lol.
