Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
And back again.
Screens on the plane this time. Had thoughts in my mind about a few posts today, but I really don't feel like writing them now.
I will post with some substance soon, rather than just talk about myself. Promise.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Lazy Day
This is how I spent my morning. Followed by lunch down the coast, a little shopping, a family dinner (MissC turns 20 this week) and an after dessert dip in the outdoor spa.
Perfectly relaxing :-)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Wedding
This was my outfit. A little more casual than recent weddings but required for the reception venue. It was a beautiful ceremony, held in a lovely old church in the city. A church of significance as well, both the parents of the bride and groom were married there, as were my own parents (my mother is the groom's father's sister) so they were continuing a tradition. I love the church but don't want a religious ceremony...
A Long Day
I originally wrote this post at 1am (Brisbane time) this morning. Only to wake and discover it hadn't sent because blogger/my phone is having a tantrum (again). Then in my attempts to deal with it from my phone outbox, I deleted it.
Hate that. The post is never as good the second time, is it?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Good Hair Day
Just left the salon and I'm very happy with my hair. I'll admit, I had been having a good day anyway. Wearing an outfit I'm happy with (blue shirt, black work skirt and new heels meant for Saturday's wedding, a bone colour) and got a few looks from construction workers on my lunchbreak. One even commented 'Nice' (I'm going to assume he meant me and not his lunch anyway).
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Just a little makeover
Thought I would brighten things up a little. As much as black and red are definitely my colours, I felt it was looking a little too vampire. Keeping the black background for the moment but I may go white at some point. Blue and orange are obviously inspired by my 'directions' photograph.
I took the photograph while on a trip in South Australia with my mum last year. We flew to Adelaide and then drove up to Coober Pedy. Then out to Australia's smallest town, William Creek, where the photo was taken.
The town was busy that day though, with flights over the full Lake Eyre leaving every half an hour. Was a great experience. And of course, I loved the photograph opportunities :-)
I'm also planning a makeover, I have a hair appointment booked tomorrow. Looking forward to it, my fringe hangs below my nose!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
I do love strawberries, that's me in the strawberry print dress, but even I'm wondering if we have too many now.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
My Weekend
Just a quick post before I head to bed, I will write more tomorrow. It rained all day yesterday, we drove to Williamstown and had lunch in a pub and I saw the new Twilight movie with my sister. Today the weather was great. We drove down to Mornington Peninsula, stopping in at the Brighton Beach Bath-houses on the way. Visited the Sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm and picked 1.5kg of strawberries and had SJ's cousin and partner over to dinner (in town for a wedding). We had an Eton Mess for dessert with our gorgeous fresh strawberries and used only a scraping off the top of the punnets. Was a good weekend :-)
Friday, November 18, 2011
My sisters
I made another trip to Ikea yesterday (well it had been a while) and bought a lamp for the guest room. Had been meaning to but my sister's visit prompted me to finally do it. In addition, I bought photo frames for other pieces of artwork my mum and (other) sister brought back from overseas.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Summer's on its way.
I went for a walk to the post office at lunch and was amazed at how many people were out and about. It shouldn't have been a big surprise, the weather was great today, but I think working at the empty end of town I forget how many people there are in this city.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
What makes a local?
I don't think it does, I don't yet have a favourite hairdresser, I've never visited a GP and I've only eaten out a handful of times (though budget is a big factor there).
Yet at the same time, I have a favourite wax therapist, I have a local personal trainer and physiotherapist and my weekly groceries mostly come from the local market. I know the quickest routes through my suburb and have driven every street and I'm more comfortable driving in the city and managing hook turns than friends of mine who were born and raised in Melbourne's suburbs.
I will admit, I don't know many of my neighbours, but when you rent an apartment in a building of over 300, do you ever really? I could have grown up in a nearby suburb and still not know anyone living that close.
So when do I become a local? Will it be sometime within the next few years? Or will I not manage it before I move back to Brisbane? And what then, do I have to fight to become a local again up there (since I will definitely be in a different suburb to where my parents live).
Wondering where the line is. Something I might still be pondering in another 6 months time...
Monday, November 14, 2011
Pure Evil.
I have the hiccups.
Started this morning around 10:30, I then had them for 3 hours before they disappeared as I ate lunch.
Now they are back.
And I'm not talking about cute little ones, big 'shakes my whole body and I re-taste my lunch' ones.
I wish they'd leave me alone.
Started this morning around 10:30, I then had them for 3 hours before they disappeared as I ate lunch.
Now they are back.
And I'm not talking about cute little ones, big 'shakes my whole body and I re-taste my lunch' ones.
I wish they'd leave me alone.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
This is my pet betta, Blue. I was playing around with my camera and finally got a good shot of him (he moves around a lot).
SJ and I had a good day yesterday, we drove out to Kinglake and visited the Healesville Sanctuary, so lots of other animal photos for my useless collection.
I haven't been for my run yet. I know I should but I'm still so tired and really can't motivate myself to go. At least I have training tomorrow so that counts for something...right?
Friday, November 11, 2011
I didn't go for my run yesterday. I had to start work before 6am so I was a little tired when I got home. I really should have though...
Particularly when I also didn't make up for it today. I'll try and run both days this weekend to redeem myself. I was feeling so motivated after my measurement losses too.
And hopefully I will get out and about tomorrow and have something more interesting to blog about...
Particularly when I also didn't make up for it today. I'll try and run both days this weekend to redeem myself. I was feeling so motivated after my measurement losses too.
And hopefully I will get out and about tomorrow and have something more interesting to blog about...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
C25K Week 2 Day 1
First off, I apparently measured myself wrong the other day. Monday evening my trainer measure my hips at 98.5cm, I still feel like that wasn't my widest but I'll take it (and just prepare for smaller losses in the future).
Monday, November 7, 2011
C25K Week 1 Day 3
I successfully completed Week 1 Day 3 of the C25K program yesterday. Wasn't too strenuous, but I worked up a decent sweat and was out of breath after every 60 second run.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
We're going to the zoo, zoo zoo....
Just a quick post. SJ and I went to the zoo today, was a gorgeous sunny day today. Too hot to go for a run, though I have every intention of going tomorrow. SJ is helping a friend out so I will have the day at home to myself. Intend to get started on my Christmas photo gifts :-) and do a little cleaning. Maybe a manicure?...
Friday, November 4, 2011
Time to Run
I've never been a runner. Sure there have been times when I've forced myself to do and I've even managed a few 10km charity runs in my time, but I am definitely not a runner.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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