Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Noosa Weekend

Since everyone's most likely to care about the wedding and what I wore, I will start with that part of my weekend first :-)

I wore a dress I bought from ModCloth...'You Are Cherry Welcome' and teamed it with my beloved red heels and some red accessories.

Sadly one of my red bangles didn't survive the trip up so I had to make do with two.

Was a bit chilly so I threw on a red cardigan for the ceremony as well.

Here's my traditional feet shot. My shoes are much more interesting than SJ's...

And just because it's hard to see, a close up of my polish. I'm wearing OPI What's with the Cattitude and actually had some women notice my co-ordination. How many strangers notice your toe nail polish?

Here's my shot of the wedding. Distant so you can't really see faces, if you read the vogue forums you may know that I had a shock at the wedding. Sitting and chatting all night to a bride of 2 months ago, it turned out she knew I had blogged about her wedding! One of her bridesmaids found the photo I included (in this post) and showed her. I didn't include any names but did mention the location, google is a strange tool sometimes.
So anyway, my wedding picture is again from a distance and unclear for that reason. But you can see how great a spot they had for their ceremony, right on the beach without being on full sand (my heels were grateful).

And the reception venue. Was held at the Seasons Restaurant (also on the beach) on Hastings Street. Really gorgeous food and a selected ala carte menu. Loved the scattered lolly buffet too :-D

Sunday morning we ducked down  to the beach to say farewell...it was hard. I'm definitely a Queensland girl at heart.

SJ (who hates the heat after growing up in regional QLD) even commented 'Why did we move to Melbourne again?'.

With any luck this will be us when we're older. With possibly a giant umbrella to stop me getting burnt.

Back at my parent's place, my mother's roses are doing beautifully. I miss having a garden, the little vegie pots we have really don't cut it.

And finally, this is the outfit I wore on Friday. Black (fleecy) tights with my new black boots, black tight shirt and my bargain $7.50 yellow lace skirt from Cotton On.

I had two Qantas Club single entry vouchers I had been saving, so SJ and I ducked in there for a feed before our flight. He had a beer but the experience is a little wasted on me when I don't do the alcohol thing. I do appreciate some good sticky date pudding and a comfy chair though, so I was happy enough.

And I loved that this sign welcomed me to Brisbane. I do love my Broncos :-)


  1. What a sweet dress! you look soo pretty in it =] And i like the red and blue together, and from what I can see on your blog design, it looks like you like those colours together too =P

    1. Yeah something about red and blue makes both colours pop more. Definitely my two favourite colours to wear :-)

  2. You look so nice in that dress and the wedding looks lovely. I also love the bargain cotton on skirt!

  3. You look fab! We've been having glorious weather up here.

    TDM xx

    1. It makes me feel homesick. I miss waking up with the sun :-(

      At least I get to visit lots :-)

  4. That cherry dress looks amazing:) I covet it!

    1. http://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/you-are-cherry-welcome-dress...yours for less than $60 :-D

  5. OH damn you... why are you always so coordinated! :)

    You looked amazing!

    1. I can't help but be co-ordinated. To a fault sometimes, just means I need more clothes to match right!

  6. It sounds like you had a lovely time! I love your dress - the print is adorable and you wear it so well xx

    I love the shots of the flowers as well...come on Spring!

    1. Spring...ahhh. Just have to get through this Melbourne winter first!

  7. Yess, so glad you wore this dress.. I love it! Shoes and polish look great also - very co-ordinated!

    haha Google can find anything!!

    I love the yellow skirt, almost purchsed it myself a couple of weeks ago but found something else instead... After seeing it on, wish I had of gotten it :(

    I must admit QLD is better also :P


    1. Yeah I was a bit iffy about buying it, my sister convinced me. Had seen it on a few people. So, sold!

  8. As per usual I love your outfits!

    I am going to scour cotton on outlets now because I'm loving that skirt.

    1. Will check out the Harboutown Cotton On next time I am there for you? Want to email me your size?

  9. I love the dress!!
    I love the shoes!!
    I love the colour co-ordination!!
    I love the pics of you and SJ!!
    I love the wedding photos!!
    I LOVE that skirt!!

    In summary - I love.

    Definitely need it in my life, and I very much appreciate the matching toenails. Perfection!

  11. Great pics! I really like the mustard/yellow lacey skirt :)

    x Eve

  12. Ohh I live in Noosa!! Seasons is lovely isn't it? They do an incredible breakfast too ;)

    1. Really? Would be a great place to live if you could work close. Didn't manage breakfast the next morning, was feeling a bit rough so I just had a boost juice lol

  13. OMG I wore the same out fit to work on Friday hahahah I brought that cotton on skirt a week ago ..

    what brand are your boots ?
