Saturday, June 9, 2012

Breaking Fashion Rules

I broke a few fashion rules yesterday.

Well I think they are fashion rules, things I don't normally do anyway!

I wore tan pleather with black leather.

I wore navy with black!

And I wore them all at once...
My outfit included tan pleather boots, black skinny jeans, white singlet under a checkered top (from Zara) and my black leather jacket. I carried a tan leather handbag as well.
I think it worked since the navy in the top wasn't too obvious, it looked more like a shade of black than navy. And the top had brown in it so the boots tied in.
Super happy with the colour in my hair too. Loving the way it's been looking of late.
Bought this at the Queen Vic Markets with MissT yesterday and then wore it to the footy last night. I'm calling it a 'Scoodie'. It's a scarf with an in built hood, better than a beanie because it means no hat hair...and I look horrible in beanies!
This is what it looks like from the side. Also kept my head dry when it rained later.

And yes, that is MissT in the background pulling gansta poses while wearing her Scoodie.
Can anyone else do this with their tongue?

No? Just me? Well I think you're all weird too.


  1. I break these 'rules' all the time. I think tan and black go really well together.
    Love the scoodie, what a great idea!

  2. I love that you broke the rules! I think it really worked... I'm very jealous of your wardrobe!

    Umm the Scoodie? That's freaking awesome. Need to get my hands on one of these!


  3. Yeah I can do that with my tongue. HAHAHAHAH..
