Thursday, November 27, 2014


I've been struggling for blog post inspiration lately. We haven't worked that much on the house (a combination of attempting to have a life and helping my parents with a big cull and house move) and I've also been really tired and lazy lately. So much so, I don't even feel the need to apologise for it. I have been thinking a lot lately and want to start a new series to help me stay motivated to blog.

If you’re anything like me sometimes you can’t help but wonder that time keeps passing and you don’t seem to have much to show for it. If you’re really like me, then you’d be wishing you documented more of the little things so you DID have something to show for it. I mean really, life is all about those little things and we never seem to remember them or we take them for granted all too frequently.

The phrase ‘you learn something new every day’ is one I live by. I believe that to learn is to grow and I’d go mad if I lost my capacity to learn. I am always reading up on things and finding out about things and planning things and thinking an awful lot…and I selfishly want to be able to blog about that. Hopefully, having to find one little thing about each of my days will put me back into the blogging mind frame. It may not be that interesting for readers, but I'll bore you with more renovation posts soon enough.

I'm calling my series ABCD. Just because I managed to make 4 words fit the first four letters of the alphabet. Obviously.

 Appreciate, Begin, Change and Discover. Most of my inspiring thoughts each day (not the ones about work/home/food) fit into one of these categories. I’ll be aiming to find at least one thing each day worth making a note of. I know I won’t post every day, but a weekly round-up is more than likely. Hopefully I'll remember to write in my bedside journal to keep track.

Appreciate – To be grateful for something I usually take for granted. Not to be confused for the things I am always thankful for (family, my niece’s laughter, SJ cooking dinner every night). I want to notice more about my life, so to appreciate something I didn’t notice yesterday.

Begin – To start a new project or routine. Anything I can start today that I will be proud of or hold myself accountable to tomorrow.

Change – To alter my opinions or fix a habit and change myself. Or to be a positive influence to change the world around me. 

Discover – To gain knowledge I didn’t possess yesterday, all those little 'I never knew that' things. The more random the fact/theory the better for this one, hopefully I'll remember it long enough to record it!

As it happens, I have 330 days until I turn 30, so consider this a ‘30 before 30’ list on steroids. When I turn 30 I should have at least 330 documented thoughts about how I have changed, learnt and grown through the year. Or I'll have 10-20 and will have forgotten all about it.

Either way, if I'm still blogging at 30 I'll count it as a win.


  1. Looks like a really good idea, but to keep yourself going blogging wise, but also in life :) I'll definately be keeping an eye on how you're going x

  2. I've been loving your posts on renovating your house so there's no need to worry about having not much else to blog about.

    We all go through stages of boredom and laziness and I'm now on a two month holiday from blogging and am not sure I'll return next year.

    Take a break, it's xmas soon and we won't mind.

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